
Sunday, February 26, 2017

DIY Reusable Shopping Bags

If you're a Californian, like myself, you've probably heard a bit about plastic bag bans these past few months. In November, 52% of California voters said "yes" to a single-use bag ban. This made California the first state to adopt such legislation. 

Having spent three years of undergrad at UC Davis, I'm familiar with plastic bag bans. In 2013, the city of Davis adopted a strict plastic bag ban and began charging $.10 per paper bag. This law really shaped me into the shopper that I am today. While most people prefer to use carts, I am of the buy-what-you-can-carry variety. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Enough With the Trash Talk: Here's What No One Told You About Recycling

Image by

There is nothing I used to hate more than approaching a trash can and seeing a recycling bin next to it. I'd usually stop before the two bins and look at the trash in my hands. Is this recyclable? Two weeks ago it was a styrofoam cup I had been drinking coffee out of. I knew styrofoam wasn't biodegradable so I threw it in the recycling bin.

There are two problems with what I did. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Homemade Face & Body Lotion

If you have ever been victimized by hard water, you know the importance of having a good lotion on hand. It is unbelievable, the things hard water can do to your skin. 

As a full-time student, I am almost always strapped for cash (save for when that direct deposit first hits--sweet Mary). Its hard for me to justify buying a $15 bottle of lotion from Bath and Body Works. No matter how amazing some of their scents might be... 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Floss is for Tossers!

"Most flosses are made from nylon or polyester which can take up to 80 years to decompose in landfill. Cotton and silk flosses are a common replacement, but they are often fragile and break easily."

Image by Pixabay

Did you know it can take up to 80 years for dental floss to breakdown in the landfill?

According to the American Dental Association "4 out of 10 Americans floss at least once a day." While this might sounds like a small number, consider that in 2014 the United State's population was estimated at just above 300 million people. That means about 120 million people (40%) floss every single day.

Imagine how the earth could ever keep up with the 120 million strands of floss added to landfill each day. That's 43.8 billion strands of floss a year!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Ditch the Mouthwash, Repurpose Your Coconut Oil

Image by Meal Makeover Moms

About a year ago, when I first started adding natural products to my daily routine, a friend told me that they had started oil pulling. When I first heard the term I was confused. My first thought was that it was related to oil drilling in some way. I wasn't even close.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Welcome: Getting Your Feet Wet!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Raquel. 

Zero Waste Student is a blog dedicated to outlining simple—yet impactful— changes that will get you on track to living a more sustainable life.