
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Food Waste: How Millions Go Hungry in a Nation with too Much Food

Did you know that the US wastes 70 billion pounds of food every year? However, we're not the only offenders. Globally, the world fails to consume over 1/3 of its food supply. 

Despite this

So why does the US throw away 70 billion pounds of food when millions are food insecure? That's a tricky question to answer. A lot of it has to do with access to, distribution of, means to purchase, and the policies regarding the handling of food. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Sustainability and Why You Should "Do it Yourself"

When it comes to sustainable living people often think of expensive appliances and electric cars. What we don't always consider are the smaller things that we can do ourselves and how they can effect the quality of our lives. 

Image by Home Thods

Whether you're looking to save money, make higher quality products, or increase the sustainability of your lifestyle, you may want to consider making your products at home.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

7 Ways You Could be Reusing Your Old Coffee Grounds

If you're anything like me, coffee is a must do before class. I'm an early riser and don't usually have a hard time getting out of bed. However, if I need to participate in a class discussion you had better hope there is caffeine in me. 

Its easy to prepare a full bodied cup of zero waste coffee with a french press, but how can we take our efforts a step further? What can we do about the remaining coffee grounds? 

As it turns out, there's a lot you can do with them!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Enough With the Trash Talk: Is Recycling Really the Answer?

With only a 34% recycling rate, the United States' recycling efforts are almost laughable when compared to countries like Germany, which recycle 65% of all their waste.  Since a country's ability to efficiently recycle is enabled or inhibited by its economic, social, and political opportunities. This means it is important to contextualize a country (or individual's) circumstances before casting judgment. 

That being said, it might also be useful to see what countries with the highest recycling rates are doing right.  What appears to be happening, is that countries, like Germany, are emphasizing other forms of sustainability above recycling. 

Image by Jordan Johnson

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to dissuade anyone from their recycling efforts. Recycling is a necessary part of sustainable living. It should not, however, be seen as the main focus or priority of sustainability. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Zero Waste Coffee

For many, the morning cup of coffee is not up for compromise. The internet is flooded with coffee themed memes, forums, and paraphernalia (this is my favorite), suggesting that the beverage has a growing cult-like following. 

So it probably wouldn't surprise you to learn that the Harvard School of Public Health has reported that the average American consumes about 3.1 cups of coffee a day. Which amounts to a 40 billion dollar industry!

Image by Don Lavange

Its pretty obvious that the US isn't giving up its coffee habit. With such widespread use, its important to note the environmental costs of coffee. In turn, we should do what we can to minimize our impact.